
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Precious Little Angels!

Have you ever watched your child/children sleep and gets all teary eyed when you realize how big they are getting. Sometimes whenever I watch my daughter sleep i'm filled with so much love for her.

Sometimes when they are being a pest it helps to remember how much you love them because they grow up so fast. Sigh!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Are Some Women Flees?

There is a popular saying that 'Men are dogs'! I would not go that far and insult the dogs because in my book there are some dogs who act way smarter than some men. Case and point is that I was told of an incident that happend in town on Valentines night.

A particular husband was cheating on his wife so the wife decided to follow him since he did not even wish her 'happy valentines day' but he came home ate the dinner she cooked then got dressed to go out. He made a stop at a bar and the wife used the opportunity to approach him.... this was when all hell broke loose. The husband came out of his Jeep and and started beating his wife in plain view of the public and the woman he was cheating on her with was sitting in his jeep.

Oh she got a proper tongue-lashing from passersby because they were asking her why is she still sitting in the jeep.... because the same way he is treating his wife (whom he pledged to love until the day he died) he is going to treat her the same way when he gets tired of her.

Well let me tell you..... that woman is what you would call a 'flea'..... because no matter how crass his ways are she is sticking to him..... There is no way on this earth that I will be taking such abuse from a man.

So to all the wonderful men out there (like my hubby) you are 'gems' among those 'dogs' and if the dogs should protest because of the reference of some men to them..... I would be among those who give 2 thumbs up.


Since being on the South Beach Diet for the past 2 weeks i've lost a total of 10 lbs. I'm feeling very proud of myself. I just want to do some cartwheels here.lol

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Clouds Are Falling!!!

My daughter got her first pair of glasses today and she was all excited. She called me on the phone and said...."mommy I got my glasses" so I asked her if she tried them on and she said "yes but the clouds are falling" lol

I told her that they may seem that way because she is now seeing much better. lol


Why oh why do I always feel sleepy at this time of the day. I could sure use some zzzz's now.

Why Do Cats Mate & Run?

I could never figure them out. They'll have such a racket going on.... the whole world has to know they are getting some.

I wonder if the world would be this populated if men had to chase women around the bed for a little action. rofl

Dancing Is An Excellent Form of Exercise!

If you are from the Caribbean or grew up in a neighborhood with Caribbean nationals you will know that we love to get down especially on weekends. I remember in my party days (also known as days before kids.lol) i'll dance from around 10 p.m. or 12 a.m. (depending on the time I leave my house) until 3 or 4 or 5 a.m. I remembered one time I was at an outdoor dance and I noticed that it started getting bright so I looked at my watch and it was 5:45 a.m....... Sigh! Those were the days.

Anyway i'll be putting on my Soca and Dancehall cd's and dancing up a storm in my house this weekend because it's one of the best exercises I know that is also fun to do.

Outdoor Exercise!

There is much to be said about outdoor exercises. First of all it's free, you breathe fresh air in the mornings since traffic is virtually non existent but one of the greatest pleasures of exercising outdoor....especailly here in the Caribbean it's the chance to take a dip in the sea afterwards......

It's mmmmmmmmmmmm good!

Weigh In Tomorrow!

Well it's D day tomorrow! I will know if i've lost anything since it's been 2 weeks that i'm on the South Beach Diet. I did some measurements of myself last night and I cannot even post them here. :-(

I've got some serious work to do is all i'll say.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Congratulations To My Friend Row!

On the birth of her son on Tuesday 22nd February. I wanted to be with her in the labour room but unfortunately I had to work and she said she knows that I would have teased her afterwards.lol

I'm so happy everything went well for her especially since she had to be hospitalized becasue her blood pressure was dangerously high.

I now have a precious baby boy to spoil rotten.lol

My Favorite Type of Weather

I like this time of the year when it's very cold at nights. Ok folks cold to us here in the Caribbean is anything below 80 degrees.lol Whenever the temperature gets to 70 degrees or so it's time to bring out the blankets. I know that will be considered a 'heatwave' by my 'snow bunny' friends in Canada but hey this is my winter.lol

Ignoring The Alarm Clock Is Not A Good Thing! lol

Have you ever noticed the after the alarm clock goes off it is better to get up right away or you are going to fall back to sleep.... a very DEEP sleep too.

I made the mistake of hitting the off button on the alarm at 4:45 a.m and did not get out of bed until almost 7 a.m. You can imagine the scramble to get my daughter some breakfast, fix her lunch bag and get her off to school before 8 a.m.

Needless to say I ended up late for work.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

South Beach Diet Update!

Well it's almost 2 weeks since i've started this diet and resumed my exercise activity. So far i've been keeping up with the exercises and the attempt at a healthier eating habit is falling into place.

I excercise 45 minutes to 1 hour 5 days per week weather permitting. I must say that exercise sure boost your spirit and makes you feel good during the day.

Let's Go To Dragon Land!

My daughter was watching "Dragon Tales" on PBS yesterday afternoon when the two children were summoned to dragon land....There's a 'magic stone which they both hold on to and say the magic words that will whisk them off to Dragon land.

However, my daughter got it into her head that this is for real.lol She held on to my hand and said "Come on mommy say the wish because we are going to dragon land' OMG I could not help myself but I was practically on the floor with laughter. rofl.

The innocence of kids are so refreshing..... unfortunately they grow up soon enough...sometimes a little too soon for parents peace of mind.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

**Eating Healthy**

There is something positive to be said about trying to eat healthy..... it makes you feel very satisfied knowing that you are doing something good for your body.

Do Dogs Have Inner Clocks?

My neighbor has 5 (thats right 5) dogs and my bedroom in on the same side as their dog house.... Yep! you gessed it...... there is constant barking in my ears. I love dogs but when i'm trying to get my zzzz's it's a whole other story.

There is a particular one that has a BIG voice (or should a say bark) he likes to come to the fence and bark like there is no tomorrow. I am thisclose to throwing something at it one of these nights.lol

Monday, February 20, 2006

I Am Not A Mind Reader!!!!!!!

Sometimes my husband just knows how to yank my chain. For example, yesterday I asked him to help me wring some excess water from a blanket because that part of the washing maching would not be able to handle it. He did so....(while chatting on the phone....dirty hand and all as he was doing some maintenance on the car) then later in the evening when I was commenting that his hands soiled the blanket he turned to me and said.....

"All you could have done was put one end over the clothes line and wring one end first then the other"..... that was not a bad idea now that i thought about it.....but, he could have made that suggestion to me when I asked for his help......hellooooo how was I to know you were thinking that? Then again the conversation he was having with his brother was much more interesting so it was just so much easier to help me wring the blanket with his dirty hands and deal with my stewing later.



If you want to gauge how active you are during a day, I strongly recommend getting a pedometer. Before I used to consider myself fairly active but getting one of these things made me see that I was fooling myslef.

My goal is to reach 10,000 steps per day by my anniversary in December. I am currently at around 6,000 steps per day. It encourages me to 'shake my tail feather' a little more.lol


Ever since i've started exercising again I seem to have more energy these days. When I used to just want to throw myslef across my bed after work I find myself being 'Suzie Homemaker' finding all sorts of things to do.

I think i'll do some 'vrtical' dancing later to burn even more calories. However, I think my hubby would prefer the 'horizontal mambo' instead.lol

Star Struck?

I was reading an article on the lengths some fans will go to get an autograph of their idol. Come on now... rooting through a person's garbage? To me that is just plain nasty!!!

Now I like Shemar Moore but there is no way on this earth that i'm gonna be rooting through his garbage. If I see him on the street i'll admire of course but I would not go up to him (too reserved for that.lol).

So ladies and gentlemen...please have some dignity where these stars are concerned. Just keep in mind that the only difference between them and us is their bank accounts.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Show Me Some Skin!!!

What's with all the skins i'm seeing walking on the street?

Dont get me wrong, I like a good belly show now and again but when you have about 10 spare tyres it's time to cover up girls. Just 3 days ago I saw a lady (come to think of it she does not deserve the term 'lady') in a pants that is obviously 2 sizes too small....eeek

How in heaven's name did she get into that pants? Probably ran off then jumped in.lol

Dancing With The Stars!

I've been enjoying this show for the past few weeks and it was quite emotional last night. I even shed a tear or two when I saw Lisa Rinna, her dance partner and her husband crying. I just wished the 4 of them could have advanced to the finals.

I can hardly wait for next Sunday! Whooohoo!!!

Men & Pregnancy!

After visiting one of my dearest friend in the hospital this morning i've come to the conclusion that ....MEN SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET PREGNANT!!!!

Her baby is due next month but because her blood pressure was a bit elevated the doctor put her on bed rest. Nothing is wrong with bed rest but I for one think that men have it a little too easy when it comes to pregnancy and child birth.

Ok! because of how we are made up i'll even settle for them taking on the 'morning sickness' for the first three months..... that'll make alot more of them think about birth control. rofl

The 'WHY' Factor

There is a trait in children that can be annoying at times. Don't get me wrong... I know this is how they learn but when you are up to your ears in work or concentrating on something they will a ask a question.....you give an answer.....then


After about a hundred "WHY's" you just want to say...'because Y has a long tail and W has none' rofl!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Thank You Karen & Sassy!!!!

I cannot say thank you enough for the assistance you both gave me with my blog. :-))

Meeting you girls were one of the best things that had happened to me in 2005 and I sure hope that i'll get to see you both in the caribbean sun and on the beach in the near future.

Luv you both! muaaah

Music Today!

Call me old fashioned but i'll take the music from the 60's, 70's or even the 50's any day. Now those were songs that made sense.

Kids & Shoes!

Have you ever wondered why children outgrow their shoes so fast. I bought my daughter a gym shoe last August (it was bigger than her normal size) thinking that I will get at least a whole school year out of it....NOT!

It grieves me to see her shoes looking so new and cannot fit when mine will be down to the sole (if I love it that is.lol)and she will be ready for another pair. I think i need to learn how to make shoes.lol

South Beach Diet

I've just started the South Beach Diet and it is the first diet that i've been on that does not make me hungry or feeling deprived. Whoohooo!!!

Once I stick with it I should see some positive results by my anniversary in December.

I Know I'm Fat!!! What's Your Excuse?!

I just totally hate it when you are feeling so happy about yourself then someone asks 'Lord! why are you so fat?' Er...hellooooo... I know.....I have a mirror. An usually this comment is from someone who is fat also.

I also hate it when you are on a diet and have lost a little weight and instead of encouraging you some persons just kill your spirit by saying 'Oh you are going to put it back on' **can someone please say jealousy**

Who Said Blood Tests Were Easy?

I had to go to the lab this morning for some blood test and OMG I swear the technician did not know her elbow from her ass. She had to look at both arms before she decided to make a pin cushion of my right hand.

After giving me two good whacks on my arm....(to wake the vein...hey it had the right idea because I would have loved to still be in bed at 8 o'clock in the morning. lol)she proceeded to clean the area with alcohol and stuck what looks like the biggest needle in my arm...ouch!

It seemed like forever but I was in and out of the room within 5 minutes....the longest 5 minutes of my life if you ask me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I Love My Sisters

I have 2 sisters from my mother whom I just love to pieces. I can always call them for a good laugh or cry. We stick together through thick and thin and for those of you who have siblings be sure to let them know that you love them every single chance you get.

Wrong Number!

Have you ever gotten those calls at odd hours of the early morning? Well here's what happened to me a while ago.

.....telephone ringing at 3 a.m.

Me: Hello

Caller: (Male) Can I come by you now.

Me: What?

Caller: I'm horny

Me: Go find an ants nest

Caller: Carla?

Me: Obviously Carla is NOT your woman because why would you be asking permission to see her.

Caller: Who is this?

Me: You called me....hellooooo

Caller: Sorry I think I have the wrong number.

Me: Damn right you do...(hanging up)

Doctor's Visit

Ok! I took my daughter to the pediatrician for her annual check up. So wanting to know who much I weigh decided to ask the doctor if her scale can weigh adults. She said sure and I happily stepped on the scale.

Now in my mind i've lost weight so when the doctor started pusing the bar up, up & up. By then I was like 'what the hell does she think she is doing?' It is supposed to go the other way....hello! Then she looked at me and say ..... **drum roll please**... "You weigh 290 lbs.

By now you can imagine my panic. I'm here thinking this lady need an opthamologist (there are 2 just next door.... want me to make an appointment for you) In december my regular doctor said I wighed 271 and I did not pig out during the christmas season so somebody's scale is lying to me.

My daughter have another appointment in 2 weeks so i'm walking my ass off 5 a.m. every morning because there will be some ass kicking the next time I step on that scale.

I've Got To Find My Brother-In-Law A Woman....ASAP!

It's valentines day! big whoopee! NOT

I left work early because I was feeling in the mood for some action with hubby so I called him to come pick me up. No problem there.

When we got home and we started undressing to shower together......telephone rang and I was like 'to hell with you i'm gonna get my groove on.' Unfortunately not getting a response from the house phone hubby's cell phone rang. Gawd it was the brother-in-law from hell.

Let me tell you if you want to get out of a sexy mood fast just have him visit. He was calling from the house next door and was on his way over......there goes my libido.

He came, he sat, and sat, and sat. By now I was thinking of going out to the living room and say.....'boy I want to ride my husbands dick and you are cramping our style'

Maybe if he ever had a woman he would know that there are certain times that you gotta give people their space family or not.

Life's A Bitch....Deal With It!

I have a co-worker who gripes about everything.......heck I mean everything! It's a drag being in the lunch room with her. She gripes about her kids, work, money....damn she even gripes about herself.

Sometimes I just want to tell her you have life, can walk, have all your hair, have a job and of course food in your house that you are not even cooking. She needs to see real suffering so that she can get a reality check.... but then again she may gripe about that too.

Reminds me too much of 'Ehor' from Pooh Corner...... always gloomy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Welcome one and all to my blog. After a scare by my daughter's pediatrician i've decided to blog my weight loss and just about anything else that comes my way for that matter.lol
Feel free to drop me a line anytime.