
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wow the Year is already Half over.

I can hardly believe that we are already at the half-way point in the year. Seems like just yesterday when I was saying 'Happy New year' lol. I am now in my not so favorite part of the year.....HURRICANE SEASON. I'll take the rain even a small storm but I dont think I can deal with a beast of a hurricane like Katrina.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

When Men Have Power !

They tend to forget where they came from or who they had to step on to get there. My grief is with our current GM. Before he was appointed he was all for inclusion etc. Now that he is the GM he is giving dictatorship a whole new meaning. He even brough in a girl who he said was so efficient but quite frankly the chic does not even know her elbow from her ass. Gawd it just make me mad to be within his proximity sometimes.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Wedding & A Funeral !

I can say that I had a packed weekend with a wedding and a funeral. I went to a wedding on Saturday for a friend of mine daughter and it was rather nice. I took my daughter with me and she was just too cute for words in her dress. I can also report that she is going to love to dress up.... I hope she studies her lesson so that she can eventually get a job that will support her budding clothes habit. lol

Then yesterday (monday) I went to the funeral of my favorite sister-in-law's mother. It was huge because she had 9 children and all have alot of friends. It was well supported too because she 's a very loving woman who will go out of her way to help persons. So far for this year i've been to 2 funerals and 1 wedding and i'll be going to another wedding next saturday. Now for this wedding i'll be dressed to the nines because i'll be taking lot and lots of pictures because it's my male best friend who will be getting married so i'm planning to have a blast.

I Miss My Friends at Martini Mamas

Hey girls i'm here trying to keep myself from going crazy because I cannot get into my emails and the group. Gimmie some news girls...... i'm going into withdrawals here.lol

Cannot Get Into My Email Accounts

For the past 2 days i've been unsuccessful in logging into my email accounts and MSN messenger. I'll have to check the new anti-virus to make sure that it is not blocking the use of messenger and email account. The other staff members are having the same problem too so i'm not worried that my accounts were hacked.lol

So all my peeps who are trying to contact me try linking up with me through yahoo messenger because somehow I can get into that messenger but I cannot get into the email. Go figure.lol

I Miss My Mom ;-((

Today would have made my mom 62 had she being alive. I woke up this morning feeling blue then I realized that I would have been calling my mom to wish her a happy birthday ;-((. I miss her so much! Although two and a half years have passed since she died it still feels like it was only yesterday I was telling her that I love her ;-((

She was the best mother a girl can ever ask for. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM. I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Have You Ever Seen 2 Men Curse?

All I can say is wow! lol It was most entertaining watching 2 men go at each other a few days ago and I can honestly say that they belong on a comedy channel. Here's the scenario ...

Man #1 - I dont know what your problem is but you seem to need some help.

Man #2 - I need help? Why don't you just kiss my ass.

Man #1 - Kiss your ass? Why should I kiss your stinking ass? I kiss women's asses not men.

Man #2 - All I know is that you are a jackass and will always be a jackass.

Man #1 - Let me ask you something.... Did you shit today?

Man #2 - What do you mean if I shit today? What F**king questions is that?

Man #1 - Because you not only chatting shit.... you are full of shit too.

OMG!!!! The few spectators along with myself had a good belly laugh at that one and it just goes to show there can be comedy in a serious situation. ROFL