I Love My Sisters
I have 2 sisters from my mother whom I just love to pieces. I can always call them for a good laugh or cry. We stick together through thick and thin and for those of you who have siblings be sure to let them know that you love them every single chance you get.
At February 20, 2006 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am one of the sisters that she is referring to.. What i love about her most is the fact that she is alway ALWAYS smiling. As kids growing up and i am the youngest i use to be her shadow wanting so much to be like her then one day i changed my mind because i finally as a child figured that she was crazy.. There i was watching her hanging some clothes on the line and i know there was nothing to laugh about and she was just there hanging the clothes laughing and smiling and guess what no one was talking to her...now i became scared..and that is when i knew as small as i was that she was loosing it.. But she is just WONDERFUL, very wild at times...I love you to death sis..you are blessed.
At December 24, 2006 3:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Excellent, love it!
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