
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Exercise Addiction!

I believe i'm addicted to exercise. I look forward to getting up at 4:45 a.m every morning to go and bounce around in the fresh air with my exercise buddies. If I dont exercise it feels like something is missing from my day. But hey.... i'm not complainging.lol

Doctor Mom!

My daughter contracted a bad case of strep throat that caused her to break out with rashes on her skin. Her pediatrician said that it is common with children especially when they suck their fingers. I've been trying to get her to stop sucking her thumb especailly now that her permament teeth are coming out. If she does not stop I foresee braces in her future.

Kids! Whoever said they were cheap.lol

Favorite TV Ads!

I just get a kick out of the GEICO add with the 'cave men' especially the one who was saying that he does not have much of an appitite. lol

He is what I would call a 'Male Diva' ROFL

Friday, April 21, 2006


With the passing of my friend Natalie, it causes me to reflect on my life, my family, my friends and associates. I've come to the conclusion that life is too short and precious to be wasted. Being just 43, i'm sure that Natalie never thought she'd never live to see all her kids out of school.

We should cherish every moment we have and let those around us know how much we love and appreciate them because none of us knows what the future have in store for us.

Sickness & Eventual Death

No matter how much you try to prepare yourself for the death of a loved one or friend it still hits you hard when it finally happen. I'm grieving right now for 3 wonderful children who lost their mom to colon cancer 3 days ago. All the while she though she had fibroids because her stomach kept getting bigger and bigger and I guess she was scared too to have an operation knowing that she may not live to see her kids grow up. Unfortunately her biggest fear happened and it was not because of fibroids.

She developed fluid in her stomach which they had to pump (not a good sign) the her blood count kept dropping even though she is taking all sorts of supliments and juices to build it. So being from a poor family she was scared knowing that she did not have the money to an operation but a few of us got together and got lots more persons involved by getting her an airline ticked and enough money to pay for a hospital stay in NY. However upon opening her the surgeons realized that she had colon cancer so advanced that it was resting on her uterus (that's why she looked 7 months pregnant) that it had already spread to her other vital organs. She died a few hours after the operation.

I'm hurting so much for her children because they are such sweet kids. I just wish I had alot of money and a big house to take in kids like those who lose their mom. Their ages are 11, 14 & 17. I was 35 yrs old when my mom died and I felt so lost much less to these kids who are still in school. The oldest boy is trying to be strong for his sister and little brother but it is only a matter of time before it all hits him like a ton of bricks because to him she is just away seeking medical help but I know when the bring her body back here he is going to be beside himself with grief knowing that his mom is gone.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Why does time seem to 'fly' when you are on vacation. When you are at work the hours just seem to crawl but at home you want to know where the day has gone.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Back to School Tomorrow!

My daughter goes back to school tomorrow and I think that she's happier than I am.lol She just absolutely loves school and I hope that she keeps it up for the next 10 years or so.

Eye Candy

Anyone who knows me knows that I like a good 'eye-candy' yummmy! I met one last friday and if I did not love my husband so much I would have gobbled up that dish........mmmmmmmm.

He's a Brad & Shemar all rolled into one. Get my drift girls.lol

Next !!!!

Since my daughter's class at school got a puppy as a class pet she has been hounding (pardon the pun.lol) for me to get her one also. So being the good parents that we are her dad and I got her a puppy which she promptly gave the name......NEXT.

Can you imagine me going to the door and calling...."NEXT"..... Gawd I hope no guy is going down the street and think that i'm calling him.....for that would be sooooo embarassing.lol

Friday, April 07, 2006

Is It Love?

My female best friend (I have male and female.lol) oldest brother is married for 13 years now. Unfortunately, he and his wife does not have any children due to a problem she has. He comes from a very large family of 6 brothers and 6 sisters so I guess you can say that he has parenthood coming out of his ears.lol

However the issue is that he wanted a child and he went and had one with one of his co-workers. The wife was very upset and disappointed at the time and understandable so since she would have loved to have a child. Anyway she decided that she is going to stay with him because she understood his need for a child and so she welcomed the baby whenever he brought it to the house; she does have a problem though with him going to the childs house and spending hours on end because she said he opens himself to the possibility of another child. I'm in total agreement with her on that but he insists that he is looking out for his child and he wants to be a part of his life.

My question is......can a man still love his wife and still have an 'outside' family as it were? My reason for asking this is that i've been married for 17 years and the daughter that we have we adopted her as a 6 week old baby and I dont know how I would handle it if my husband tells me he wants another child but he wants to father it himself. My friends brother insists that he still loves his wife and he will not leave her for anyone but I still say that the wife is the one who gets the raw end of that deal. A man can reproduce any time in his life and we cannot and when you go out because your wife cannot give you a child that has to hurt so bad.

What Gives?

Recently i've noticed that i'm more prone to tears than before. Sometimes just talking to a friend or watching someting on tv will move me to tears. Seems like i'm getting more emotional the older I get.

Hmmm maybe it's all the water that i'm drinking lately that just need an outlet. lol


Every year around this time I get a bit misty eyed very easily as I realize that another year has passed and another begins. I'll get depressed about all the things that I did not accomplish especially the ever present loud ticking of my biological clock. ;-(

However, this year instead of getting depressed i'm more invigorated than ever. I'm actually looking forward to my 40th birthday in 2 years for I plan to take a cruise and just enjoy life because isnt 40 the new 30? lol